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5 / 5

Village Lestiny looks like it was cut out from a fairy tale.

In the past, the church looked exactly the same as today. It was not renovated, and no special reconstruction was made, thanks to that until today the church keeps its authenticity.

Look at the church will carry you to a historical village life, which we know from literary or artworks. No wonder, exactly about this church wrote P. O. Hviezdoslav in his book Gabor Vlkolinsky and what more he was sprinkled there.

Architectonically it represents one of the most valued parts of central Europe cultural heritage.

That’s why it is on the UNESCO list. It is an articular church, which refers to the law (article) dealing with the religious freedoms of Protestants in Hungary. It determined where churches can be built and in which circumstances.

Part of the church is also a bell-tower and a mortuary. Interior is decorated with many paintings. Altar from the 17th century has rich akantic decor. Part of it is also a painting „Zoslanie Ducha Svateho“, which is a replica of the original because it was stolen. Until today worships take place on this church.