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Oravska barrage


47 km

Zemepisné súradnice



5 / 5

It is said that the beauty of Oravska barrage very easy overtrumps also famous seaside resorts.

Barrage offers many attractions and activities, that are worth to try. Choose some of the water sports like yachting, water bikes, rowing, windsurfing, water scooters, fishing, water skiing. In barrage, surrounding is located more rentals of needed equipment.

If you prefer more relax on the sun and recreational bathing, the temperature of the water near the shore rises up to 25°C. As Orava barrage is very big, also during summer months you can find there a place where you will have privacy and peace. Thanks to the minimum of light smog during a clear night you will see stars in their whole beauty.

A trip to the island is a nice enrichment of a day at Oravska barrage. Its dominance is a church, in which you can find a permanent exposition of traditional folk art.

If you want to know more about flooded villages, their stories you will find in the rooms of the tomb. We recommend making a stop on the island along a roundtrip with a cruise ship, which starts from harbor number 2 in Slanicka village.